Bioresonance & Lab Testing
Bioresonance is a type of bioenergetic testing. It uses the innate intelligence of the body to comprehensively assess the emotional, physiological and spiritual status of the person. Using low voltage, it sends 150,000 electronic signatures through the DNA of a person (or DNA sample) scanning for imbalances and sends that information to my computer for us to review together. From there I’ll create a highly targeted treatment plan based on your clinical symptoms, any labs you have and the bioresonance results.
I find it especially insightful for mental health symptoms or when there is a myriad of complex issues co-occurring. It is painless and does not need to be done in person as DNA (hair or fingernails) can be sent in.
Traditional lab testing might also be appropriate if our goal is to see actual numbers. I do functional blood chemistry analysis to assess how your body is compensating for stress. Labs can often be reviewed during follow up appointments.
Bioresonance – 90 min – $115 (this is done during an appointment, so the $115 cost is in addition to the consultation fee).
Bioresonance for Pets
I’m not a vet, just someone who loves animals and sees where there’s a gap in animal care. Because animals often hide their ailments and can’t talk, it can be very difficult to figure out what they need. I offer consults for pets and animals using bioresonance. Please note, this is not meant to replace veterinary care, simply to offer additional insight.
Pet Bioresonance – 60 min – $175 (this is a flat fee that covers the bioresonance and appointment)
*This is not an FDA approved device for diagnostic testing though it may help the partitioner make a diagnosis.